Composite Toe vs Steel Toe Boots

Steel toe and composite toe boots are the two most popular options as far as choosing the right safety footwear is concerned. Both these types of shoes are engineered for protection and impact resistance. They adhere to the AS 2210:3:2019 standard. However, the difference between composite toe and steel toe boots lies in the materials, construction, and overall suitability. The decision about selecting composite vs steel toe boots becomes all the more important for people with wide feet. Proper fit is paramount for comfort as well as safety. 


In this article, we shall answer all your questions around composite toe vs steel toe boots —- Is composite toe the same as steel toe footwear?


So, let’s start…


First, we shall talk about steel toe boots. 


What are Steel Toe Boots?


Steel toe boots are equipped with a steel cap inside the toe area. It offers the best protection against heavy objects falling or rolling onto the feet. Steel toe footwear is known for their durability and strength. 

Advantages of Steel Toe Boots


  1. Perfect Protection

Steel toe boots protect feet in hazardous environments. They meet or exceed industry safety standards for impact and compression. 


  1. Durability

As steel is a highly durable material, steel toe boots offer the best resistance to wear and tear. They can endure harsh conditions and heavy usage. 


  1. Cost-Effective

If we compare steel toe vs composite toe boots, the former is more affordable. 

Disadvantages of Steel Toe Boots


  1. Weight

Steel toe boots are heavier, causing foot fatigue. Individuals with wide feet may experience discomfort because of their weight. 


  1. Temperature Conductivity

Steel conducts heat and cold. So, your feet feel hotter in warm environments and colder in cold environments. It can be especially bothersome for individuals with big feet as the temperature fluctuations can aggravate discomfort. 


  1. Potential for Pinch Points

In case the steel boots are not engineered with ample toe box room, it can lead to discomfort because of the steep cap. Moreover, it can create pressure points for people with large feet. 


  1. Not Ideal for Electrical Hazards

Although some steel toe boots come with additional safety features, steel itself is a conductor of electricity. Hence, they are less suitable for environments with electrical hazards. However, Wide Load 890SZ Steel Safety Toe Zip 8-inch work boot features AS/NZS 2210.3:2009, Class 1:SB-SRA, EN: 20345:2004, IS: BMP 670431 safety standard, making it ideal for challenging work conditions. 


That covers everything you need to know about steel toe boots. In the next section, we shall talk about composite toe boots.


What are Composite Toe Boots?

Unlike steel toe boots, composite toe boots feature a non-metallic toe cap manufactured from materials like fiberglass, Kevlar, or carbon fiber. They render the same impact resistance as compared to steel toe shoes.


Here’s an image showing fiberglass and carbon fiber toe. 



Advantages of Composite Toe Boots


  1. Lighter Weight

Composite toe boots are lighter in weight and more comfortable for extended wear, particularly for people with wide feet. 


  1. Temperature Insulation

Despite the varying temperatures, composite materials keep your feet comfy as they do not conduct heat or cold. 


  1. Better Flexibility

As some composite materials offer slightly more flexibility than steel, they are more comfortable for large feet. 


  1. Suitable for Electrical Hazards

Owing to the non-metallic nature of composite materials, people can conveniently wear them in environments with electrical hazards. 


  1. More Toe Room Options

Manufacturers are understanding the importance of wide toe boxes. This feature is easily available in composite toe boots. Composite materials allow for more design flexibility in the toe cap area. 

Disadvantages of Composite Toe Boots


  1. Expensive

Composite toe boots cost more than steel toe footwear. 


  1. Durability Concerns

In the debate of comp toe vs steel toe, the latter emerges as a winner when it comes to durability. However, with advancements in material technology, composite toe boots are also getting as durable as steel toe boots. 


  1. Bulkier Appearance

Composite toe caps may appear bulkier than steel toe caps. 


Steel Toe or Composite Toe Shoes: How to Make the Right Choice


People with large feet should consider the following factors to make the right choice between steel toe and composite toe shoes:


  1. Work Environment

People working in areas with electrical hazards should go for composite toe boots. In case the primary risk factors relate to impact and compression, you can go for either of the two and decide after weighing up all the other factors. 


  1. Comfort

Weight is an important factor when it comes to wide feet. As composite toe boots are lightweight, they reduce fatigue and discomfort. 


  1. Fit

It is advisable to go for a wider toe box if you have large feet. Try out different brands and styles to find the best fit.


  1. Cost

Despite the cost, composite toe boots are more comfortable for those who wear safety boots for prolonged time duration. 


  1. Personal Preferences

Your shoes should feel comfortable and offer the necessary protection. 


How to Find the Right Fit For Wide Feet?


Here are some tips to find the right fit for wide feet:


  1. Shop in the middle of the day

Your feet have a tendency to swell throughout the day. Hence, you must shop in the afternoon to get more accurately fitting shoes. 


  1. Measure your feet 

Measure your feet’s length as well as width to get the perfect footwear. 


  1. Look for wide sizes

Many manufacturers like New Balance and Wide Load offer wide and extra-wide sizes, exclusively designed for large feet. 


  1. Try before you buy

Try on the footwear before you decide to purchase it. Walk around to ensure they are comfortable. If you are buying online from, you get an advantage of talking to their specialist for any sizing help. The online store has sizes up to 17 and 6E wide, which addresses the needs of all wide-feet individuals.    


  1. Check for boot socks too

When trying on the boots, make sure you have worn the type of socks you generally wear with them. 


  1. Check the toe box

The toe box should be wide enough to accommodate your toes, allowing them to wiggle. It should not feel constricting for the toes. 

Take a look at this image that reflects how a shoe with an ideal toe box looks like. 





  1. Don’t depend on break-in

While some boots may break in slightly over time, don’t rely on this to make extra-tight footwear comfortable. Buy boots that fit well right from the start. 


Wrapping Up


Both steel toe and composite toe boots offer essential protection for workers in hazardous environments. However, for individuals with wide feet, composite toe boots often provide a superior combination of comfort, lighter weight, and temperature regulation. While they may be more expensive, the benefits can be significant, especially for those who wear safety boots for long hours. Ultimately, the best choice depends on individual needs, work environment, and personal preference. By carefully considering the factors discussed in this article and taking the time to find the right fit, individuals with wide feet can choose safety boots that provide both protection and comfort.