Shop By Width

Without question, the best place for wide width and large size men's boots is XLfeet. We specialize in boots, socks, shoes, sandals, and slippers.

Founded by Adrian Coulter, a guy who wears a size 16 EE Wide, XLfeet was born out of necessity. Men like Adrian have struggled since the age of 13 to find sizes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 in stores.

If you're a man with big feet needing large size boots and shoes, XLfeet is as important to your feet as oxygen is to your body.

We offer the biggest selection of wide men's socks, boots, and shoes up to EEEEEE width. Whether you have EE wide feet or 6E wide feet, we've got you covered.

We also cater to men with narrow feet with sizes down to B, A, and AA narrow. Whether you need 6E wide slip-resistant shoes or steel toe work boots up to size 18, we’ve got you covered.

Don't forget our super comfortable socks for wide feet—rumor has it, even Bigfoot couldn’t resist them!